tirsdag den 17. april 2012

Summary of todays lesson d. 16/4 - 2012
By Cecilia Krog Poulsen

Angela showed us as usual what we should do in todays lesson.
We started out talking about the days homework in our compendium. After that the class made our own groups, and each group should prepare a little presentation about the questions for todays homework infront of the class. After that we talked a little about the movie we're going to watch on tuesday, which has something to do with illegal things/crimes. We saw what movie we shall see, by looking at the movie vote on our blog site. The movie with most votes was a movie called Se7en, so that's the moving we're seeing on tuesday. The last thing we did was seeing some small videoclips on Youtube.com which was about the two boys Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who comitted a masscre on their school, Columbine High School. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Good and detailed summary, Cecilia. However, it is Thursday that we are going to watch the film ;)
