onsdag den 16. maj 2012


A normal day in Oslo suddenly became a nightmare for everyone. On July 22 a car bomb exploded in the center of Oslo next to the prime minister's office building. Many police and fire men came to evacuate people in the area. It quickly became a big news story for the Norwegian people, so everyone knew about it very fast, even a small island called Utøya. After the news was told to everyone on the island a police man came onto the island and said that people should assemble around him so he could tell everyone about the situation. Unfortunately, instead of talking about the tragedy, he took his submachine gun out and shot about 75 young people.

The man behind this insane plot is named Anders Breivik. We later find out he hates socialists and he worships Adolf Hitler. Virtually all of Utøya were socialists and therefore his goal was to take over the island. Although he was a dictator, he was very smart. He distracted people by blowing up a car bomb in the center of Oslo, and then he went out to the island to make his insane plot. There were no police available when they first heard about what happened at Utøya because everyone was going to focus the bomb, so it took just over an hour to get out there and arrest him.

Anders Breivik has still not received its judgment.

1 kommentar:

  1. Very interesting case Mikkel, however I am interested in hearing what punishment you think he should get.
