torsdag den 10. maj 2012

Lesson summary

Lesson summary 24/4/12

Today we started out with our mugshot of the day and then we had a volunteer for the summary of today, which was me, obviously.
Then we talked about essay 4. this time we didn't have a choise of assignment we  had to do the B one. The short story we had to write an essay about was called yellow and it was about a man who drowned himself because he was a corward(yellow).
After that we worked in groups to finish our radio interview and when we were done we had to send to our teacher, which is you mademoiselle Angela.
When we had done our thing working in groups, we had to work alone. we had to work on our essays that we talked about earlier or our film review on the movie se7en that we also had to upload on this blog which i have yet to do. that was all from me, see you in class guys.

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