tirsdag den 15. maj 2012

The "Anders Breivik" case
The 22. of July, a bomb exploded in in the centrum of Oslo. It exploded in a car, which was parked just next to the government building, where the prime minister had his office. The police came, and evacuated the area, and told people among them, to leave Oslo. The ambulance and the firemen came too, to help injured people. While all this happened, people all over Norway, had heard the news, about the bomb. Even at the little island, Utøya, where a big part of young politician socialistsc engaded norwegian people were gathered to hold their traditional activity heard about it. Like everybody else, they were up said about the terror incident, in Norway.

Suddently at Utøya, a police man, came to the little island. He told them he wanted to inform the young people about the situation. Instead he killed 77 of them, with a machine gun. It was the same man, who was the perpetrator of the terror bomb in Oslo. It was Anders Breivik.

The police had a lot to do in Oslo with the exploded bomb, so the whole thing was very confusing, when they heard about a man was going crazy with a machine gun on the little island. From the first shot by Anders Breivik, to the first police force group arrived to the island, took about an hour and 15 minutes, and arrested him .
It was the worst thing which had happened in Norway since Second World War.

Anders Breivik is now waiting to receive his judgment, and has been in the course many times with many witnesses, to describe all the details.

He killed 77 at Utøya, and 8 people in Oslo.

He says he did to remind the norwegian people about, that he don't want the Arabian and Muslims people to immigrate in Norway.

Anders Behring Breivik is 33 years old, Norwegian nationality, inspired by the extreme right-wing politics.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good description of the case, but what punishment do you think he should get?
