søndag den 13. maj 2012

John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy (Killer-clown)
John was born the 17 marts, 1942 in Chicago Illinois USA.
He was a serial killer and he raped his victims. His victims were always young teenage boys in the ages from approximately fourteen to twenty-one years old some properly even younger.
Twenty-seven of his victims were buried under his house in the crawlspace and the six others had been found in rivers in the area. The suspicion of John came in connection with a case about a boy who disappeared. Shortly after the interrogation he confessed to the thirty-three crimes. There are possibly more victims.
John had been executed by lethal injection in 10 may, 1994 at Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois. One of Johns last comments to his lawyer were: To kill him would not get any of his victims back.
My opinion
I think it is difficult to make out a specific opinion about death penalty. To me it seems like death is the liberation of the prisoners who are condemned, not a punishment. But if it was one of my own family members who had been killed, I would like to know that the murders punishment to be death penalty. Mentally it would be like a little revenge, but it is not! A real revenge would be, if I killed one of his family members, doing exactly the same against him, as he did to me! If I think about it, without a personal perspective, I would have given him the sentence: Punishment in prison for life and I do mean for the rest of his life! A person like that should never be allowed to be a part of the society. At his last moment in live, he concluded, that killing him would not bring the victims back. Maybe he got a bit of sympathy for his victims and maybe a feeling of guilt? And I think he ought to live with the feeling of guilt!

4 kommentarer:

  1. That might be the reason i hate clowns!
    -one thing makes me wonder.
    Why was he suspected in the case in the first place?

  2. I really like your case because I've never heard of him before.
    good work :)

  3. What a terrible man and case. You describe the case well, and then you give the reader your own subjective opinion followed by a more neutral view, and that is a really good approach! Good job!

  4. Oh, and the pictures are a good touch!
