onsdag den 16. maj 2012


A normal day in Oslo suddenly became a nightmare for everyone. On July 22 a car bomb exploded in the center of Oslo next to the prime minister's office building. Many police and fire men came to evacuate people in the area. It quickly became a big news story for the Norwegian people, so everyone knew about it very fast, even a small island called Utøya. After the news was told to everyone on the island a police man came onto the island and said that people should assemble around him so he could tell everyone about the situation. Unfortunately, instead of talking about the tragedy, he took his submachine gun out and shot about 75 young people.

The man behind this insane plot is named Anders Breivik. We later find out he hates socialists and he worships Adolf Hitler. Virtually all of Utøya were socialists and therefore his goal was to take over the island. Although he was a dictator, he was very smart. He distracted people by blowing up a car bomb in the center of Oslo, and then he went out to the island to make his insane plot. There were no police available when they first heard about what happened at Utøya because everyone was going to focus the bomb, so it took just over an hour to get out there and arrest him.

Anders Breivik has still not received its judgment.


The film is about two detectives David Mills and Sommerset. David Mills has just come to town and together with Sommerset, they solve a sudden murder. It turns out that the killer has meaning to his murder when he shows the 7 deadly sins through the murders. The 7 who were killed were not random people that the killer had chosen because he did not believed that they lived their lives after the 7 deadly sins gluttony, greed, pride, anger, lust, sloth and envy.
I think Se7en is a great and exciting movie.
I give the movie five out of six pistols because it shows us the 7 deadly sins. These sins are shown in very formidable ways. At the same time, the film has love between David Mills and his wife and it eventually becomes involved in the 7 deadly sins as well. I don’t give the last pistol to the movie because it could be hard in the start to understand what happening and it’s a bit confusing. I use pistols because the theme is crime, punishment and justice and the pistols match all of them.

tirsdag den 15. maj 2012

Stein Bagger

Stein Bagger

Stein Bagger, a BA in accounting and economics, master degree in business adminstration, perhaps doctoral degree in international business.
Stein Bagger goes from being a proffessional bodybuilder to be a financial genius. He starts off by opening a number of companies in IT products, the companies went bankrupt in a row.
In 2001, Stein Bagger opens IT Factory, also known as one of Denmarks biggest scams. IT Factory was popular, everyone wanted to invest in IT Factory. Through document forgery, Stein Bagger stole millions of dollars, he received money without giving anything back.
1 December 2008 IT Factory went bankrupt, and Stein bagger dissapeared. he was now wanted international. 6th December, Stein Bagger volunteered himself in Los Angeles, California USA. He was declared guilty in Document forgery.

I that think many people would like to spend 4 years in prison for over 300 million kroner.
He did not use violence, he did not hurt any people physically. I personally think that 4 years in prison is reasonable.

”Stein Bagger is a financial genius”
- Prime minister of Denmark 2009-2011 Lars Lykke Rasmussen  

Dagmar Overby - Case story

Dagmar Overby  - 1887-1929


Dagmar Overby acted as the good woman who helped young girls who had given birth to an illegitimate child. She posted an article in the newspaper to inform the young girls about what she did with the childrens after they were handed over to her. At least, what she wanted the young mothers to believe she did with them.
She promised a new and good home with loving parents and a promising life. But what she actually did with them in many of the cases was to strangle only few hours old babies and burn them in her own stove. Of course some of the children she was handed got a new home, but many of the children were never that lucky. She killed at least 25 children over a few years and the exact numbers are unknown. A young woman handed her infant to Dagmar and then, just a few hours later, she regretted it and returned to her place, where she discovered what Dagmar was doing. When she came back to Dagmar’s house, she wanted her baby back, but Dagmar had already strangled the child and she now tried to tell the young girl that she already had handed the baby on to a new family, but the girl didn’t believed her. So she forced her way into the house and met the horrible sight of her child strangled on the kitchen table ready to get in the stove.

In the court Dagmar Overby was sentenced to death, but the last case of a person being executed was in 1869. Therefore her punishment got changed to prison for life.

I definitely think her punish were hard enough but I cannot agree with myself if I think she should have been executed.

Charles Bronson or Michael Gordon Peterson as he was born, is an English criminal and is considered the most violent prisoner in Britain. He did found his way into fight but then he started bare-knuckle fighting in the east end of London. His promoter was unhappy with his name and suggested him to change it to Charles Bronson and he did.
He got in jail because of robbery in a post office, he stole £26.18 and was sentenced for seven years but he got into a lot of fights in prison, which added several years. He did only spent sixty-nine days as a free man until he got arrested again

Film review – Se7en
The movie se7en is about two detectives, William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and David Mills (Brad Pitt) who is chasing a serial killer. William Somerset is close to retire but then this case comes up and him and David Mills, which is new in the department, follows the case. The killer commits his crimes based on the seven deadly sins - gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath. The movie takes place in a nameless city and the two detectives traces the killers every step. The first murder is about the sin called gluttony and then the murders just keeps coming in a rapid progression. The murder called John Doe (Kevin Spacey) turns him self in at the end, just so he can do his last murder to complete all the seven deadly sins. He says that he will show where the two last bodies are, but he will only show them to Somerset and Mills. When they arrive at the place John Doe says they are, which is far away from the city and anything else, there comes a car with a package to Mills. Somerset drives towards the car to try and stop it, he stops the car and when he looked in the package there is a head of Mills’ wife. John Doe envied the life they had, Mills and his wife, and that is the reason why he killed her. Mills ends up shooting John Doe. The two last victims was Mills’ wife and John Doe himself.
I’ll give the movie a 4/5 rating. 

Seven – a masterpiece - af LASSE KLAUSEN!!


Seven – a masterpiece
When I rewind back time to when I was about to see the movie Se7en (1995) by David Fincher I was very skeptical. Skeptical because I knew that for a movie like this to get any good, it required actors in top class. And they were. Especially how Kevin Spacey appears as a complete psychopath named Jonathan Doe. I am not able to put any criticizing fingers on the acting level, it is simply astonishing. No to forget Brad Pitt (David Mills) and Morgan Freeman (William Somerset) who act perfectly well together. That’s a duo I would like to see more of. It seems like the staff behind the scenes have done an amazing job with the movie, here I want to point out the selection of scenes and how they are presented to us as viewers, which is very impressive. 
The thing that makes this movie so exciting and thrilling is the way that the killings are so well – organized, with a clear purpose. The Seven Death Sins. It is always exciting to follow a cop, or in this case two cops, in the investigation series of killings. 

This movie is truly a masterpiece, because of its setting and composition, its actors and most importantly its way to present us with the directors clear message. 
I give Se7en 5 of out 5 stars, simply because I would have the same great experience the second time I see. Maybe even a greater experience. 
It’s a masterpiece.

Shutter Island

Name: Shutter Island

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Emily Mortimer
director: martin Scorsese 
Release date: 19/2-2010
Country: USA

Shutter Island
Shutter Island is about a police man named Edward Daniels, who travels to Shutter Island, to investigate in a case. The case is about a prisoner who escaped from it's cell. Shutter Island is an island, where a psychological Prison lays. The most dangerous prisoners are transported to Shutter Island, and all the most dangerous persons is there, so it's a difficult task Edward arrives to. Through the movie, Edward gets more and more confused, and he think the hospital is messing around with him and his mind, so he can't finish his mission. But who is the missing person, and how can the prisoner escape from a lonely island, in the big ocean? or is there a missing person?

Ted Bundy – af LASSE KLAUSEN!!

Ted Bundy – case
The “Ted Bundy” case treats the case of the serial killer, rapist, kidnapper and necrophile Theodore Robert Bundy. For what we know of Ted Bundy´s actions took place through the 1970s, where he assaulted and killed over 30+ people. Bundy approached his victims in a very characteristic way, where he for example impersonated himself as an authority so that he would gain the victims trust and then assault them.
Bundy was charged in UTAH in 1975 and sentenced of kidnapping and criminal assault and he was initially linked to several other crimes as described above. But due to two dramatic escapes Bundy was recaptured in 1978 where he received three death sentences in two different trials. 

I think this punishment is right on target. No one who has done what he has done should be able to get less than a death sentence. It might be double standard to kill him, but I don´t see any harm in removing him from this world. 
The fact that he received 3 death sentences was a waste of time I think, just give him one and let´s get it over with. 

Josef Fritzl kept his daughter prisoned for 24 years

Josef Fritzel kept his own daughter locked down in their basement for 24 years. He forced her to have sex with him, and she gave the birth to 7 children.

The Josef Fritzl case became public on 28 april 2008, when Austrian Josef Fritzl confessed to having kept his daughter Elisabeth Fritzl imprisoned for 24 years (1984-2008) in a soundproof cellar dug under the family house, in a village near the town Amstetten in Austria. The babies in the basement react very hard on sunlight, and they can die if they see the sun because they haven’t seen the sun before, and their skin is almost transparent. Not all the babies survived in the basement, one of the babies died down there, and Josef Fritzel burned it, in a fireplace.  

Josef Fritzl admitted his rape and incest on his own daughter, and he’s at a psychological prison and he will be there lifetime.

Review of the movie Se7en (1995)

Review of the movie Se7en (1995)
by Martin Elleby Berg, 1.D

Se7en is instructed by David Fincher, and the lead roles are played by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.
Detective Mills (Pitt), a rookie cop, is transferred to a police station in New York, where his future partner, veteran and nearly retired Detective Lt. Somerset works. The two partners first case to solve a man’s death, who is apparently been killed by overeating. As the film progress, the two cops realize, they are dealing with religious serial killer, who kills people after the seven deadly sins; Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride.

What make this film so good are the small details the movie presents us with. You have to follow and watch it from A-Z, to get a good understanding of it. Well, we’re presented with the murderer, about 1 hour into the film but we, as a first time viewer, doesn’t realize that until 30 minutes later, when our two main roles are searching a suspects house, and finds a picture, the murderer took, disguised as a photographer at one of the first crime scenes. The murderer (John Doe , played by Kevin Spacey is first presented to us halfway into the film, and I think is a stroke of genius by Fincher, because it’s kind of cliché to be presented with him in the start, so the police can get closer to him, step by step throughout the movie and catch him in the end. Otherwise, if we are presented with the murderer in the last 10 minutes, we get a bad background description of him. But with Se7en, we meet John in the middle of the film and his background develops by his act and saying, till the end.

One of the films strong sides, are the characters development. Mills and Somerset starts out having a very intense relationship but as the film develops, they get very close. Mills wife, Tracy Mills, played by Gwyneth Paltrow also built a relationship with the wise, veteran cop.

At the point where John finally gets caught (he reports himself at the police station), he has killed five people, and needs two more. He makes an agreement with Somerset and Mills, that he will show them the two missing bodies. John leads the detectives to an open area, where after while a mailman arrives with a package.  And here we arrive to the point, where the film separates itself from other good thriller movies. To finishes his seven deadly sins kills, he needs Envy and Wrath. He completes these two with, by first killing Tracy Mills, because he was jealous of the life Mills has. Her head was in the package, which was addressed to Det. Mills. In his anger, Mills shoots and kills John, and finalizes his masterpiece of killing.

The film is a true masterpiece and it’s one of the best thriller films I’ve seen, first because of its well written plot (and later the plot twist) and the amount of brilliant details it’s consist of. But second, the films structure is very good and different from other films. All around it’s a good film and the cast members make it an even greater experience to watch.  6 out 6 arrows in the air!

Se7en Review

Cruel and Frightening, ”Se7en” Succeeds in Every Way Possible
”Seven” – or stylized as ”Se7en” revolves around the life of rookie detective Mills (Brad Pitt), his wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) and his soon-to-retire mentor detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman) in a lawless and violent unnamed city of constant rain and urban decay. Somerset, being fed up with the city’s numerous criminal issues, looks to retire and move to the countryside, but is persuaded to cover one more case with new-in-town detective Mills. That case appears to be the toughest and most frightening case of his career, as a serial killer murders people who he believes to have committed one of the seven deadly sins. An obese man is for example killed by gavage. The detectives try to keep pace of the killer, however, he seems to always be one step ahead of them. Ultimately, the murderer makes the detectives wish they never had been on this case.

Se7en is without a doubt the one of the most exciting thrillers of all time. Pitt, in his prime and one of his best roles ever as the short-tempered but good-hearted detective Mills impresses along with Freeman as the aging, but always reflective and cool detective Somerset. The movie excels in its gripping storyline and amazingly well composed plot, that will keep you on the edge of your seat and failing to reach the popcorn box, because your eyes won’t leave the screen for just a second. The cinematography’s very depressing and stylish representation of the dark and criminally challenged city makes the film a treat to the eye, too. Director David Fincher should be very proud of his only second feature film, as his films easily compares to much more experienced thriller instructors.


I like the movie ’Seven’ because of the way the movie shows us the 7 moral-sins, and I also like that it is shown in a way with love and sympathy for the policeman who’s wife in the end die.

I think it is a little bit difficult to understand because of the many cases in the movie, and I also think that it took to long time for the movie to be interesting, and it made me unconcentrated.

Expect to that in the end I think it was a very good movie with a good exciting ending.
I think the movie had made me think a lot and it is fascinating!

Because of the slowly start I will give the movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Criminal Case

Dean Arnold Corll
- Also known as “The Candyman”
Dean Arnold Corrl was an american homosexual rapist and serial killer. Between 1970 and 1973, Corll is known to have killed a minimum of 28 victims. All of his victims were males aged thirteen to twenty.
Corll's victims were typically lured into one of two vehicles he owned, with an offer of a party or a lift and driven to his house. There, they were either plied with alcohol or drugs until they passed out, tricked into putting on handcuffs, or grabbed by force. They then were stripped naked and tied to either Corll's bed or a plywood torture board, which was regularly hung on a wall. Then the victims would be sexually assaulted, beaten, tortured and, after several days—killed by strangulation or shot. Their bodies then were tied in plastic sheets and buried.
In several instances, Corll had forced his victims to phone or write to their parents, with explanations for their disappearances, right before he killed them.
Dean Arnold Corll was shot on August 8, 1973, by one of his two accomplices, Wayne Henley. The two had been planning to kill Corll, because they were afraid of him, and thought that he had gone crazy. They had always considered themselves potential victims and worried that they might not see it coming fast enough to escape.  According to them, Dean had been acting very strangely and they feared that his increased need for new victims posed a threat to their security.
Jeffrey Konen, 18 / Danny Yates, 14, and James Glass, 14 / Jerry Waldrop, 13, and his brother Donald Waldrop, 15 / Randell Harvey, 15 / David Hilligiest, 13, and Gregory Malley Winkle, 16 / Ruben Watson, 17 / Willard 'Rusty' Branch, Jr. 17 / Frank Aguirre, 18 / Mark Scott, 17 / Johnny Delone, 16, and Billy Baulch, 17 / Steven Sickman, 17 / Wally Jay Simoneaux, 14, and Richard Hembree, 13 / Richard Kepner, 19 / Joseph Lyles, 17 / Billy Ray Lawrence, 15 / Ray Blackburn, 20 / Homer Garcia, 15 / John Sellars, 17 / Michael 'Tony' Baulch, 15 / Marty Jones, 18, and Charles Cary Cobble, 17 / James Dreymala, 13.


The movie "Seven"
It got it all. Action, great actors, many speculations, some excellent camera shots, and much more.
 I can definitely recommend this movie, to all people who love movies which has top international class. 

A series of murders in a row, leaving few traces as the two policemen must solve. The farther you get into the movie and the more murders are being committed, the more the film is dramatic and incredibly exciting. You will receive many thoughts after this movie, and you will admire, how genius the instructor of the movie has been. It's one of the best and most dramatic movies, I have ever seen.

I will give it 5 out 6 stars, because you can see the movie again and again and again, and still think about it, and find it interesting. The reason why it not 6 out of 6, is that it is a little unrealistic, because I don't think a man can make 7 murders in a long period, without any witnesses has seen anything, and not connected the police. At a point in the movie they hunted the murderer and were very close to catch him in a big American city, and then he escaped, and I wonder why anybody hadn't seen him.
But in the end a wonderful movie!

The "Anders Breivik" case
The 22. of July, a bomb exploded in in the centrum of Oslo. It exploded in a car, which was parked just next to the government building, where the prime minister had his office. The police came, and evacuated the area, and told people among them, to leave Oslo. The ambulance and the firemen came too, to help injured people. While all this happened, people all over Norway, had heard the news, about the bomb. Even at the little island, Utøya, where a big part of young politician socialistsc engaded norwegian people were gathered to hold their traditional activity heard about it. Like everybody else, they were up said about the terror incident, in Norway.

Suddently at Utøya, a police man, came to the little island. He told them he wanted to inform the young people about the situation. Instead he killed 77 of them, with a machine gun. It was the same man, who was the perpetrator of the terror bomb in Oslo. It was Anders Breivik.

The police had a lot to do in Oslo with the exploded bomb, so the whole thing was very confusing, when they heard about a man was going crazy with a machine gun on the little island. From the first shot by Anders Breivik, to the first police force group arrived to the island, took about an hour and 15 minutes, and arrested him .
It was the worst thing which had happened in Norway since Second World War.

Anders Breivik is now waiting to receive his judgment, and has been in the course many times with many witnesses, to describe all the details.

He killed 77 at Utøya, and 8 people in Oslo.

He says he did to remind the norwegian people about, that he don't want the Arabian and Muslims people to immigrate in Norway.

Anders Behring Breivik is 33 years old, Norwegian nationality, inspired by the extreme right-wing politics.


Seven is a film about the new detective, detective Mills, who has just been transferred from another police department to this new department where the soon-to-retire detective, detective Somerset, works. Somerset and Mills is working together and are soon thrown out in a case about a serial killer.
There are committed 7 murders and all off the murders has a relation or a connection to the seven deadly sins, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust and envy.
The first 5 murders are ‘’just’’ victims with the sin written somewhere near them on a note or on the body, but the last two kills are special. The sixth victim is detective Mills’ wife and the murderer has of caused planned that, so that Mills will be the reason to the seventh murder – envy.
It is a tough story, but I think the director tells us a good story and gives us a lot of stuff to think about.
I like the movie a lot because I think that the history is very good and I also think that the actors are doing a great job telling the story.
I will recommend this film to every one because of the great story, the good acting and a fantastic experience. I will give this film 5 out of 5 possible stars. 

- Ronni
Film review of Se7en
By Cecilia Krog Poulsen

The thriller movie Se7en is directed by David Fincher, and the movie is from in 1995

William Sommerset is a homicide specialist, and only one week from his retirement. But then a case shows up, and he choose to stay, until the case is closed. His partner is young David Mills, who's just moved to the town, because he wants to tackle important cases. A serial murder is loose, and keep killing people,
because they're living their life, doing the seven deadly sins - gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath. It's a hard case to solve, because the serial killer doesn't leave any leads. At last they find the serial killers apartment, and they find everything they need, almost - because they can't  find him! The serial killer, John Doe, ends up admitting that his the serial killer. John Doe wants to tell where the two last dead victims are, but only to Mills and Sommerset. They drive out to the place where John Doe tells them to, from the backseat. When they come to the crime site, an package is delivered by a random male man, and Sommerset open the package - and in it, Tracy, Mills wife's head is in. Mills find out that one of the victims is his wife, and shoots John Doe. John tells that the reason why he killed Tracy, was because he was envy of the life they had - she was also pregnant, but Mills didn't knew that. Mills kills John Doe because of wrath. The last two dead victims are dead - Tracy, the wife and John Doe, the serial Killer.
Main Characters
David Mills - Brad Pitt
William Sommerset - Morgan Freeman
Tracy Milss - Gwyneth Paltrow
John Doe - Kevin Spacey

I give the movie five crosses out of six, because I think they were a little to long, to find out who the serial killer was. A little bit to length, but only at that point. Beyond that, I think it's a really good movie!

Case Story 

JonBenét Patricia Ramsey born August 6, 1990 (– December 25, 1996 was an American Child Beauty Pageant contestant who was murdered in her home in Boulder, Colorado, in 1996. Her body was found in the basement of the family home nearly eight hours after she was reported missing. She had been struck on the head and strangled. Her mom found a ransom note from the killer(s), at the foot of their stairway the morning of her disappearance. 

On August 16, 2006, 41-year-old John Mark Karr (now Alexis Reich), a former schoolteacher, confessed to the murder while being held on Child pornography charges. Authorities reportedly tracked him down using the internet after he sent e-mails regarding the Ramsey case to Michael Tracey, a journalism professor at the University of Colorado Once apprehended in Bangkok, Thailand. He confessed to being with JonBenét when she died, stating that her death was an accident. When asked if he was innocent, he responded, "No." 
No evidence has ever come to light that placed Karr near Boulder during the Christmas 1996 crime. 

The murder of JonBenét has never been found. 

By Julie Refsgaard Larsen

film review "Seven"

What is justice

The movie se7en is instructed by David Fincher. It is a thriller which has got a lot of positive publicity. 
The two main characters are the young officer Mils (Brad Pitt) and the almost retired officer Somerset (Morgan Freeman). We are following their relationship in the movie. Officer Somerset is the experienced old man, who tries to teach the young and curious officer Mils about the hard and dark criminal life in New York City.
Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are doing an excellent job using sarcasm, energy, seriousness and involvement in the characters.   

The movie is about two police officers, who are trying to solve 7 mysterious murder cases. The crimes had seven things in common; all the victims had been killed in the name of God. The victims had been killed, because they did not live their lives according to the seven death sins: Gluttony, greed, pride, anger, lust, sloth and envy. The killings are executed in very sadistic ways.

When you are watching the movie, you have to be very concentrated, because there are many things in this movie, which seems insignificant, but almost everything is done with a deeper purpose.

The soundtrack in this thriller matches perfectly: It is dramatic and very mysterious just like the plot. It includes a lot of appropriate sound effects. The angles of the cameras are faultless.

The movie is absolutely psychological and it is puzzling. In the end you are sitting with many questions about people’s rights, postures and religion.

In the movie we are following the private and the professional lives of the main characters.
We are introduced to the very hard work pressure a police man is subjected to. Our characters are committed to their jobs 24 hours a day.
This pressure is releasing their work process. It is becoming personal and the police men are acting beyond the laws. They are doing everything for justice, even though they become criminals.
They are applying double standards.    

I think the movie was really psychologically, manipulating and exciting. It is fascinating.
You cannot take your eyes away from the screen.
By watching this film, you are given an insight about, how it is to be a person who makes the crimes and a person who are solving them. In the movie there are two obviously perspectives: the officer’s perspectives and the murder’s.
The themes in this movie are: Justice, crime, punishment, faith, rights, extremism and trust.
I sense the messages in this movie are: Everybody has their own opinions about what is right and what is wrong, but it does not justified killing anybody whether it is done in the name of God, in a criminal act, for personal revenge or in the name of justice!     

mandag den 14. maj 2012

Lesson summary (from a lesson many days ago)

In this lesson we were told to prepare us for our next essay. We were told that we should do the analysis of the text we had to write an essay about. The lesson ended with some grammar tasks we had to do. 

Anders Breivik

Anders Breivik is a mass murderer who blew up a bomb in the centrum of Oslo and after that went to an island called Utøya where a lot of young people from a political group were on a camp. On the island he shot and killed many people and after that he got arrested.
Anders Breivik is not charged yet but it’s told that his highest punishment could only be 21 years and already after 10 years there is a chance that he can be released.
I think that it is too bad that he only get that little a punishment, because when you think about was he has done its horrible. In my opinion he should stay in jail until he dies. 

søndag den 13. maj 2012

John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy (Killer-clown)
John was born the 17 marts, 1942 in Chicago Illinois USA.
He was a serial killer and he raped his victims. His victims were always young teenage boys in the ages from approximately fourteen to twenty-one years old some properly even younger.
Twenty-seven of his victims were buried under his house in the crawlspace and the six others had been found in rivers in the area. The suspicion of John came in connection with a case about a boy who disappeared. Shortly after the interrogation he confessed to the thirty-three crimes. There are possibly more victims.
John had been executed by lethal injection in 10 may, 1994 at Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois. One of Johns last comments to his lawyer were: To kill him would not get any of his victims back.
My opinion
I think it is difficult to make out a specific opinion about death penalty. To me it seems like death is the liberation of the prisoners who are condemned, not a punishment. But if it was one of my own family members who had been killed, I would like to know that the murders punishment to be death penalty. Mentally it would be like a little revenge, but it is not! A real revenge would be, if I killed one of his family members, doing exactly the same against him, as he did to me! If I think about it, without a personal perspective, I would have given him the sentence: Punishment in prison for life and I do mean for the rest of his life! A person like that should never be allowed to be a part of the society. At his last moment in live, he concluded, that killing him would not bring the victims back. Maybe he got a bit of sympathy for his victims and maybe a feeling of guilt? And I think he ought to live with the feeling of guilt!

Summary of Lesson May 10th.

This day the first thing on the agenda is a grammatical test to test how much the students have improved since the beginning of the year, and which areas we still need to work with. 
After the test we talk about the text of the day which is called To murder victims' families, executing killers is justice. The students share their opinion of the text, and this results in a nice discussion concerning which type of punishment is most fitting - life in prison or death penalty. The concluding activity is a grammar task with focus on the future tense. So now all students will be able to talk about the future correctly, I hope.  

torsdag den 10. maj 2012

Lesson summary

Lesson summary 24/4/12

Today we started out with our mugshot of the day and then we had a volunteer for the summary of today, which was me, obviously.
Then we talked about essay 4. this time we didn't have a choise of assignment we  had to do the B one. The short story we had to write an essay about was called yellow and it was about a man who drowned himself because he was a corward(yellow).
After that we worked in groups to finish our radio interview and when we were done we had to send to our teacher, which is you mademoiselle Angela.
When we had done our thing working in groups, we had to work alone. we had to work on our essays that we talked about earlier or our film review on the movie se7en that we also had to upload on this blog which i have yet to do. that was all from me, see you in class guys.


Jack The Ripper.

Back in 1888 in the Whitechapel district of London. There was a man who would kill a series of people and become known as "Jack The Ripper". How many people he killed for sure is unknown. The typical victims were prostitutes from slums. He would cut their throat open before the beginning of removing other body parts. At least three of his victims where cut open and he had removed some of their internal organs. This led to conclusions that he might be with surgical or anatomical knowledge. 

The police wan't sure if there was a serial killer at stake here and that the murders actually had connection to each other. But the rumor were widespread across England. The media blew up a storm about and in September and October of 88 the rumors of a serial killer intensified. The "From Hell" letter was recieved by a guy called George Lusk who was from the Whitechapel Vigilance Committe. The letter included a half preserved human kidney! It was highly likely to be from one of the victims. 

Many letters were recieved, a lot of them were probably fakes, some of them was probably even send from journalists so that they could make a story out of it. It is believed that some of the murders were fake also, some copycats of some sort. All we know is that there was a serial killer out there who killed a lot of people in the time between 1888 and 189, that he got known under the name of "Jack The Ripper" and.... that he was never cought.

tirsdag den 8. maj 2012

The lesson of today

We started out with the mugshot, and in this lesson Angela showed us all the mugshot there were for today.
Then we talked about the text lesson for today, and some work questions in the text. After that we saw an american entertainment show called: "Smile... You're under arrest", that's a television show, where they catch criminals on TV, wich has comitted small crimes like if they stole something - and then we discused if it was a good prank, and a fair way to show almost the whole world, what they did, and maybe ruin their future after the prison time.
We ended the lesson by making some translating and stuff from Fejlstøvsugeren, and a paper with some work questions Angela gave us - we talked about the answer, and then the lesson were over.

Don't know if I'd missed something, can't remember anything else!

mandag den 7. maj 2012

Summary of - Torsdag den 3/5 uge 18 i 2. modul.

Torsdag den 3/5 uge 18 i 2. modul.

In the start of the lesson we started as usual. Angela recorded who present the lesson. Our homework today was to texts called “the chain gang” and the “ Pink underwear.” It was about a Sheriff in the USA, who had a different view on prisoners, and made some unusual rules.
We started talking about the texts, just quick and short, and then we got some tasks which deal with the text, that had to be solved.
We could sit in the class to do it, or outside of the room, on the benches in some small groups, on 4-5 in each group. After making the tasks, we ended up in the class again, to discuss and tell our answers on the tasks.

…I am sorry…. But I really don’t remember what we did after that. Sorry!
But the most important is just, that I have written some English and gained some writing skills J